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At VUSH we want you to love loving yourself! We’re all about celebrating our bodies and prioritising our pleasure + we’re so excited to have you here! Get cosy and let us give you the 411 on what we’re all about.

We all grew up with questionable sex-ed and harmful messaging about pleasure and our bodies - whether it was a glossed-over anatomy class, an awkward dinner-time conversation, or the topic was ignored entirely - we know that the subject of self pleasure hasn’t always been a comfortable one.

But at VUSH, we’re changing the conversation - we know there’s no shame in pleasure, so this is an invitation to celebrate yours. Our goal is for you to feel comfortable talking about what’s happening under your sheets (or in the shower, or on the sofa). Gone are the days of hiding products at the bottom of sock drawers and back of bathroom cabinets; say hello to embracing sexual wellness in all its personal, messy, incredible glory.

We’re for beginners and for pros: for the nervous, the curious, and the brave. For anyone who ever felt shame or insecurity about their body. For anyone told their pleasure is not important. We’re working to change the narrative around sexual wellness for you. And to do that, we create products worth talking about. 

Our products are designed with you and your body in mind. Whether you’re buying your first sex toy, adding to an already impressive collection, or looking to level up your partnered play, there’s a VUSH for everybody. We want you to embrace what your body can do, and oh boy - just you wait! Our products all have magnetic USB charging, are 100% waterproof, made with super soft medical grade silicone & are built to withstand a whole lot of love! We’re constantly exploring new ideas and new technologies to keep bringing you the very best in self love.

If we keep talking openly, exploring enthusiastically, and learning together, we can transform the way the world views sexuality and wellness.  Our community is like one big group chat and everyone’s invited! Over half a million babes are on their own self love journey.

Let’s take things to second base:  

Follow us on Instagram  @vush_official 

"Came so hard I cried this morning!"


"Incredible for both solo and couple play, I’ve been able to last longer and explore new areas for myself. Amazing entry point into sex toys, can’t recommend enough 🥰"


We love these cards. We have gone through them several times now. We have decent communication about sex, but this blows it open. I highly recommend!”


Wow!! Best purchase for a sex toy! We loved it & have used it so much in the last few days! Double the pleasure. I highly recommend it.”